Thursday, August 23, 2012

{ Jack // Chester County, PA Family Photographer }

So all you really need to know about Jack is that he's the best.

He is so sweet and precious and I could have just watched him with his Mom and Dad for hours!

But alas, a huge, over-the-top, hurricane-like storm blew in out of nowhere and well, our photo session came to a quick close.  But what a lovely time we had...

16LG 15LG 4_5LG 21LG 1_9LG 26LG 23_24LG 37LG 43LG 29_51LG 31LG 33LG 32LG 36LG

Saturday, August 18, 2012

{ Ava + Morgan // Delaware County, PA Family Photographer }

There's something so sweet about little girls...

Their smiles that charm, dresses that twirl, and hearts that are eager to please make them absolutely precious.

Watching the relationship that Ava and her Daddy share was especially heart-warming to see...


The girls share a special bond with their sweet Mama too...


What a lovable family!!

2LG 4_6LG 12LG 13LG 8_9LG 25LG 24LG 27_28LG 37LG 35LG 41LG 34_46LG 45LG

Thursday, August 16, 2012

{ Luke // Chester County, PA Family Photographer }

Little boys are kind of my favorite...

Something about their smiles, their charm, and their ability to get covered in dirt in .2 seconds deserves my attention, I think.

So capturing Luke and his family with my camera was totally up my alley...

1LG 4_6LG 7LG 12_14LG 15LG 18LG 22_30LG 26LG 25LG 29LG 37LG 35LG

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

{ Claire is ONE! // Chester County, PA Family Photographer }

Sweet Claire just turned one is already so much FUN!

She has quite the fan club, and it's easy to see why; this little love is full of smiles, charm, and adventure!

Claire loves exploring and reading and I think she's about the cutest thing around...

15LG 1_2LG 8LG 12_14LG 23LG 25LG 17_20LG 18LG 30_32LG 46LG 38_44LG 39LG